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Serial Windows Utilities

Utility "RemoteControl"

This utility is used to remote control our devices which have an LCD display and a keypad.

Usage: RemoteControl COMNumber [-1] [-2]
    -1: force data rate for USB communication
    -2: force data rate for LAN communication
    w/o switch: automatic data rate detection


RemoteControl_2-30.zip RemoteControl_2-30.zip, 83.7 KB: RemoteControl Utility
Older versions
RemoteControl_2-20.zip RemoteControl_2-20.zip, 83.2 KB
RemoteControl_2-10.zip RemoteControl_2-10.zip, 82.9 KB
RemoteControl_2-00.zip RemoteControl_2-00.zip, 81.6 KB
RemoteControl.txt RemoteControl.txt, 265 B: Revision History
Information on how to open the various file formats can be found here.