Power Switch Channels (AMXR)
Universal Digitally Controlled Analog Switches/Multiplexers

General Technical Data for all Power Switch Channels
- Digitally controlled, galvanically isolated electronic analog switches
- Maximum operating voltages: up to 1.5 kV
- High-voltage isolation (option H) available for all voltages
- Polarity selection: slide switch(es) inside the module
- Indicator: multicolor LED
- Red = output positive, blue = output negative
- Three-level switches only: green = output middle
- Control inputs (Sockets In): BNC sockets (LEMO optional)
- Dual-level switches: 1 control input
- Three-level switches: 2 control inputs
- Input level: TTL
- Switch terminals: SHV sockets, galvanically isolated
- Dual-level switches: 3 switch terminals
- Three-level switches: 4 switch terminals
- 19" plug-in modules
- Height: 3 U
- Width: dependent on voltage, switch type and cooling option, starting from 12 HP = 2 slots
Equivalent Circuits
Dual-level switch:
- Vneg ≤ Vout ≤ Vpos must be fulfilled at all times (even when the switch is deactivated)
Three-level switch:
- Vneg ≤ Vout ≤ Vpos and Vneg ≤ Vmid ≤ Vpos must be fulfilled at all times (even when the switch is deactivated)
When a channel is deactivated, all relay contacts are opened. The dual-level switch therefore has 3 and the three-level switch has 4 possible states.
See also
- Individual power switch channels are equivalent to channels of 19AMX